I always need a basic text editor, and TextWrangler suits that purpose very well.
I like that it will perform basic formatting and colorization depending on the type of file it thinks it’s editing. And I like the ability to open a folder as input and see the folder hierarchy and all the files to edit - this is especially helpful for source code trees (like Java).
One complaint: I am completely unable to change the default font typeface and size for all files. The Preferences pane would suggest otherwise, but no matter what I select, the default font for the file contents is “Lucinda Grande 11”. This was probably an acceptable font size when I was in my 20s, but not anymore. I like that they let me change the font size, but I have to do it every single time I open a file after closing it. PLEASE FIX THIS FOR THOSE OF US WITH LESS THAN 20/20 EYESIGHT!
karlostjackal about TextWrangler